Input. Output. Input. Output. – Disciple. Disciple making disciples. Disciple. Disciple making disciples.
This seems like an excellent model and a very realistic approach to both life and ministry. There is recognition of the ebb and flow of life as well as the requirement of receiving in order to give. So my question is how long is too long to be in a particular season? Trek runs: 3 Months training, 7 months mission, 2 weeks debrief. I think we can think of examples of people who have been in either input or output mode for too long – pastors who have burned out, people who bounce from conference to conference, book to book, class to class and yet do not seem to be doing anything. Students interested in perpetually learning and ongoing schooling and study but who appear neither changed by their learning nor moved to action, service and the sharing of that which they have received.We are called to give away what we have received.
I can easily look back and see different seasons of input and output, in a variety of settings and contexts. Clearly in my life and in the daily grind of all of life there is a weekly, daily or even hourly ebb and flow despite a broader sweep of a time mostly characterized by a particular posture. I have been reticent at the idea of moving directly into more school next year as I feel a certain amount of tug or need to process the stuff I have learned through a season of output. This is occurring currently as I am interning at South Abbotsford as well as walking alongside others in various situations. Perhaps the tension I experience is that it currently only minimally is invested into the community toward what could be considered “outreach”.
What season are you in right now? input or output? And when do you see the transition occurring? Should Sunday morning “service” be a time of input or output? How long is too long to be in particular mode?
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